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Duolingo Review: Tin Yous Get Fluent with the Pop Linguistic communication Learning App?

What is Duolingo?

Duolingo is a linguistic communication learning app that uses game-similar methods to encourage users to keep coming back to learn every day.

what it'southward for:
Learning simple vocabulary and sentences for a well-rounded cognition of the target language.

English language, Spanish, French, German language, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, Standard arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish, Smooth, Hebrew, Swedish, Hungarian, Czech, Norwegian, Irish, Esperanto, Vietnamese, Greek, Hindi, Finnish, Catalan, Swahili, Danish, Scottish Gaelic, Indonesian, Ukrainian, Latin, Romanian, Welsh, High Valyrian, Navajo, Yiddish

Beginner - Intermediate


  • Gamified learning keeps users motivated and on track
  • Simple sentences used in target language from the start
  • Visual revision reminders
  • Beautiful interface
  • Visual learning (with images and visual prompts)
  • Duolingo Stories (in target language) and the Duolingo Podcast


  • The gamified system is potentially stressful to some users
  • No control over the vocabulary topics, the order they come up in, and the power to skip them
  • Pronunciation exercise merely no human interaction
  • Some sentences would not normally be used in natural oral communication
  • A lot of ads on the gratuitous version of the app

Tin can you really learn a language with Duolingo? How does Duolingo work, and how can yous utilise the app finer?

Here'southward your quick respond: Yes, you can learn a language with Duolingo. But can you lot go fluent with Duolingo? Not quite.

And here's what I'll exist sharing nigh in this review:

Table of contents

  • How does Duolingo piece of work?
  • Duolingo Lessons
  • Duolingo: What are the Lessons Like?
  • Duolingo Helps Y'all Target Your Weakest Words
  • Duolingo Tracks Your Daily Progress
  • Duolingo: What's Skillful?
    • Assist With Motivation
    • Start Using Elementary Sentences From 24-hour interval i
    • Visual Revision Reminders
  • A Beautiful Interface
    • Visual Learning
    • Additional Learning Features: Duolingo Stories and the Duolingo Podcast
  • A Few Cautionary Notes on Duolingo
    • The Hearts Organisation Can Be Discouraging For Some
    • Some Sentences are Unnatural
    • Not Enough Command Over Vocabulary Topics
    • No Human being Interaction
    • In that location are a LOT of Ads if You Don't Go With Duolingo Plus
  • So Why Is Duolingo "Bad"? And Is Duolingo As Good As Rosetta Stone?
  • Conclusion: Duolingo is a Slap-up Tool for Language Learners

The linguistic communication learning app Duolingo offers 37 linguistic communication courses for English speakers.

The Duolingo app too includes language courses for speakers of other languages. These include French for Portuguese speakers, English for Czech speakers, Chinese for Japanese speakers, and so on. And they're ever adding more.

I've used Duolingo to larn Spanish, German and Swedish. Let's have a look at how this absurd little app works and how it tin can support you in your language learning adventure!

By the fashion, if you want the tl;dr version, scroll to the bottom for my pros and cons listing summarizing everything.

How does Duolingo work?

Duolingo is a great example of a straightforward language app. It's unproblematic to use.

Yous fix a profile, cull your target language, set your weekly goals (only if you're brave plenty), and off you go!

I've fabricated a video in which I explain what Duolingo is, and talk well-nigh its pros and cons. You tin can watch it below. Otherwise, continue reading!

Here's what Duolingo says yous'll learn during their course in Spanish:

Duolingo Lessons

Each course in Duolingo is made upwards of modules (the circles in the screenshot below) which are grouped to grade skills.

Duolingo dictates the order in which you need to complete the different modules. New modules condign active only once you've completed the previous one. This is besides the case with individual lessons within each module. You need to complete lesson one to be able to progress to lesson two, and so on.

That said, Duolingo allows y'all to "test out of" individual modules every bit well as groups of modules (skills).

Pressing the "key" push on a category lets yous take a shortcut if you want to avoid going through the private lessons that you're already familiar with. You need to laissez passer the test to practise that, though, because there are no shortcuts in language learning!

The choice to "examination out" also applies when you begin a new language. You tin start with the basics or you lot can take an entry test and let the app decide your fluency level.

Duolingo: What are the Lessons Like?

Each lesson in Duolingo is made up of a range of activities, such as translation. Hither's what Duolingo Castilian looks like for this exercise:

Or this activity where you have to speak into the mic what you come across:

New vocabulary is often taught with images and grammar points are explained in trivial speech bubbles. Or, you lot tin click on "tips" to run into more than grammer insights.

There are as well listening exercises where yous demand to type what you hear, amongst others.

But if you lot're not able to speak into the microphone or mind at that moment, that'southward okay. The app does give you the option to deactivate your microphone or skip listening exercises for the time being.

Duolingo also uses a "hearts" system that only allows you to mess upwards and so many times during a session. If you lose all your hearts, you accept to go back and study previous material to regain hearts.

Your hearts automatically refill every day. Merely, if yous accept Duolingo Plus, you become unlimited hearts, likewise as progress quizzes and some other great features.

Duolingo does this because their studies take shown people tend to plow through their lessons and not become back and review. And then this encourages people to slow down and review to actually larn.

Duolingo Helps You Target Your Weakest Words

Once y'all've finished the lessons in a module another screen appears. You'll be given the option to review with either "regular practice" or "difficult exercise".

You tin strengthen your weakest words at that place and then, or go back at a later point.

Whenever y'all've kept up with your review, your module icon will plough gilt. Just as the days get by, it'll start to go dorsum to colour and accept a bar showing how "remembered" information technology is. So keep up your review!

Duolingo Tracks Your Daily Progress

At the end of each lesson, you go a progress report that besides shows your streak – the number of days in a row that y'all've completed. If you've earned any "lingots" (the Duolingo currency y'all earn as you answer questions correctly) that'southward also indicated on the screen.

You can use the lingots to purchase different costumes for the Duolingo owl mascot, Duo, or freeze your streak if y'all know you'll miss a day.

Of course, we've all seen the Duolingo memes with Duo and how you'll get tons of reminders from him to keep up your streak.

Duo volition show upwardly in your notifications (repeatedly), your email, etc. You tin of class turn these features off in the settings. But many users accept joked how "aggressive" Duo can exist, like he's going to stalk you and make you study.

And then much so, Duolingo played on the joke with a "coming before long" meme:

So be prepared for that.

Duolingo: What'due south Expert?

Here are a few things that Duolingo is skilful at which helped me in my language learning adventures.

Help With Motivation

Duolingo recognizes language learners demand to be motivated to brand sure they come up back to the app and engage in some more language fun. Duolingo uses several different methods to keep you hooked.

The starting time is its goal-setting tool.

The goals you can choose from vary from "coincidental" to "insane", depending on how serious you are virtually learning and how rapidly you want to progress.

I've picked the "regular" goal for my Spanish course and the "casual" ane for German. Duo reminds you every day if you're on rails to accomplish your goal.

This works well for those learners who are motivated past the idea of streaks and maintaining stats. It works for me. If my goal is recorded in the app, information technology has to happen!

And it's so overnice when Duo tells me I'one thousand on track.

Duolingo's other two principal methods are earning lingots by getting correct answers, and the leaderboard. Their leaderboard ranks you confronting your friends in the app or other language learnings studying your language.

Start Using Uncomplicated Sentences From Twenty-four hour period one

If you're an impatient language learner like me, you'll want to be able to create uncomplicated sentences direct away. Duolingo allows y'all to exercise that.

Let'due south expect at the showtime lesson in the first module of the Castilian class. You first with learning some vocabulary, such equally boy, apple, and water. After the first three or iv slides, you lot'll will have learned how to say a sentence:

All yous need to do now is get out at that place and starting time speaking to real people (rather than your smartphone screen)!

Visual Revision Reminders

The "forcefulness" bars showing around your modules are a great reminder of the brain's imperfections. Yous think yous've learned something and tin move on but really what you need is spaced repetition to make sure the new language sticks.

Spaced repetition in language learning is a method where you revise specific words. Gradually, the intervals increase between each revision session. The theory is that, somewhen, you tin can have an interval of several months without forgetting what something means. Duolingo makes it easy to know when your adjacent revision session is.

A Cute Interface

I love everything about the sleek interface of Duolingo. One of my favourite things is the trivial turtle button that allows you to listen to "dull" pronunciations of the word or phrase. This creepily slow vocalisation is a very useful feature in the exercises that ask yous to type what you hear:

Visual Learning

A lot of the learning that goes on in Duolingo is visual. In that location are pictures for learning vocabulary, colours that show whether y'all're correct or wrong. And highlighted tappable text for new words or grammar points.

If you're a visual learner like me, you'll love information technology.

Plus, every bit y'all continue on through the lessons, yous get-go to acquire more past context and visual cues rather than English-to-Spanish translation. This is super helpful!

Boosted Learning Features: Duolingo Stories and the Duolingo Podcast

Duolingo also has the Stories feature at present, where once you unlock ten crowns (or 10 mastered topics), yous get admission and tin kickoff reading in your language.

This is a helpful feature to expand on your skills as you progress. It'due south currently only available for Spanish, Italian, French, German language, and Portuguese though.

Plus, Duolingo has a podcast for Spanish, French, and English learners. It's essentially an audiobook to listen to stories in the language and improve on your listening comprehension. While Stories is in the app, the podcast tin exist listened to on Spotify, Apple, or Google.

A Few Cautionary Notes on Duolingo

Although Duolingo can be very helpful in supporting your language learning progress, in that location are a couple of things you should carry in mind when deciding whether the app is for you. Let me give y'all a brief summary of the things I noticed that could be improved.

The Hearts System Can Be Discouraging For Some

Making mistakes is an inevitable and essential part of language learning. The journeying to fluency is frequently about having the backbone to say things even if you know information technology'southward not perfect.

Merely with the hearts organization, you can only make 5 mistakes a day. Some people may become discouraged and feel like they can't make mistakes — even though it'due south a fantastic part of learning!

But this has been improved over the years.

In the by, Duolingo used to be even tougher on mistakes. The tiniest typo or mispronunciation would cost you a heart. At present, this feature has been refined and starts to recognize typos and the like. It'll still signal them out, merely it's less harsh.

Fifty-fifty still, my communication to you would be: don't take Duo's perfectionism besides seriously. It's okay to make mistakes!

Some Sentences are Unnatural

This is especially truthful as y'all progress and you lot're learning more complex grammatical structures.

Some of the sentences that the app makes you translate would not normally exist used in natural oral communication. Their point, though, is to illustrate certain language concepts, and so information technology's nigh forgivable.

After all, you lot never know when you lot might need to talk about milk-drinking elephants or a burger made of fish!

Not Enough Control Over Vocabulary Topics

New lessons and modules are only activated in the app once you've completed the previous lesson. So you lot sometimes demand to larn vocabulary which is not necessarily relevant to your learning objectives.

Words for clothes and animals are not something I expect to be using at all in German language just I can't continue until I've proven to Duo that I know how to say "tie" and "mouse".

I wish I had more control over choosing which words are the ones that matter to me.

No Man Interaction

Duolingo gives you the illusion that y'all're practicing your speaking skills. But what the app actually asks you to do is to echo what you lot can already see on the screen in written class.

So when doing Duolingo "speaking" exercises, yous're essentially repeating after the app. You're non retrieving annihilation from retention or asking your encephalon to create annihilation from scratch.

As such, Duolingo is an app that allows you to practice pronunciation but not to speak from day 1.

That's why information technology'southward very of import for linguistic communication learners to supplement Duolingo with some other resources. Especially one focused on speaking and interacting with other users of their target language, such as the Fluent in iii Months Claiming.

At that place are a LOT of Ads if You lot Don't Become With Duolingo Plus

There are so many ads in the app, including for Duolingo Plus, unless yous buy Plus. This is a flake annoying and distracts from language focus.

So Why Is Duolingo "Bad"? And Is Duolingo As Good Equally Rosetta Stone?

Duolingo has gotten some poor reviews in the past, namely because of the things I mentioned here. Particularly in the past, Duolingo used to use many unnatural sentences that became memes or jokes. This has been improved on, although it'southward even so there.

However, many people became frustrated with it. Plus, many users noticed that they would written report and go on their streak upwards for days and days, and even so not be able to speak the language or could only speak at an intermediate level.

And this comes from a lack of human interaction and real speaking practice.

So, no, you lot can't become fluent with Duolingo alone. But, if y'all pair it with other resource, information technology can be an amazing tool to heave your studies equally a beginner to intermediate learner.

Now every bit far as comparing Duolingo vs Rosetta Stone? There's no comparing. Check out Fluent in 3 Months founder Benny Lewis' review of Rosetta Rock for the full scoop.

You'll larn something with both of these programs. Merely Rosetta Stone takes a "full immersion" arroyo then far it becomes a flaw. Duolingo more seamlessly helps you larn in-context and wean off of English language-to-Spanish translations.

So that makes it the winner here.

Alright, to wrap this upwardly, here's a summary of the pros and cons of Duolingo. If you scrolled from the superlative for the tl;dr version, here it is.


  • Duolingo tracks your progress and weakest words
  • The Duolingo app has many built-in features to heave motivation
  • You learn simple sentences from twenty-four hour period 1
  • Lots of visual revision reminders so yous know what needs to be reviewed
  • A beautiful interface and easy-to-employ "gamified" learning arroyo
  • Lots of visual learning and learning through context
  • Stories and a podcast for supplemental learning


  • The punishment for mistakes can be discouraging for some
  • Some sentences are unnatural
  • Not plenty control over vocabulary topics to pick words relevant to you
  • No homo interaction or real speaking practice
  • Lots of ads unless you get with Duolingo Pro

Duolingo is not a stand-alone language grade, just it's an excellent addition to a linguistic communication learner'southward toolbox. It's easy to use, it's fun and information technology works.

Don't forget to practise the homework, though. If your aim is to achieve real fluency, recollect to read, speak, and truly live the language that you're learning!

One more thing: if you are bored with Duolingo's repetitive tasks, try Clozemaster, which is Duolingo on steroids: it helps you to internalize real sentences with context.

Original review by Agnieszka Murdoch with updates by the Fluent in 3 Months team.

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